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Domaine des Balmettes

Lucien Salani

11 25 8589 KM

Ecce Homo

Domaine des Balmettes - Lucien Salani

Muscat Petits Grains - Roussillon - Roussillon

Ecce Homo
Total: 2 1 0
À propos

Beautiful astringency of branches and skin, very orange drunk in AELU


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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Loved this more then i would expect, stonefruity clean floral muscat

Beautiful astringency of branches and skin, very orange drunk in AELU

2 utilisateurs ont posté "Ecce Homo"

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Dernières publications de Ecce Homo, par les utilisateurs :

Ecce Homo

Loved this more then i would expect, stonefruity clean floral muscat

tberkmans @tberkmans