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Cantina Furlani

Matteo Furlani

24 148 9436 KM

Rosso -

Cantina Furlani - Matteo Furlani

Tyroldego, Marzemino, Turca, Negrara. - Trentino-Alto Adige - Vino Spumante

Total: 34 19 0
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Une Bulle Sèche Comme Du Silex, Mais Qui Révèle Un Beau Fruit. J’en Boirais Volontiers Au Goulot

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Dernières publications de Rosso, par les utilisateurs :

Sur Lie Rosso

Very nice, lots of red wine flavours but with bubbles

koendewinne @koendewinne

Furlani Rosso 2018

Oh this is very good! As expected from this winemaker because they never disappoint. It’s clean and it’s flowery but that splash on your tongue hits like an adult pop rock candy. Then this crisp light not too powerful kiss of floral almost rose takes over. Not in a strong way- it’s almost like good perfume an hour after you have put it on- not too strong not too faint, it’s just right. Great for my 2 year anniversary nite with my sweetie 💕✨

diane240 @diane240

Sur Lie Rosso

Easy drinking, pop top blend.

reidcoops @reidcoops

Sur Lie Rosso 2019

A boire très frais, des arômes envoûtants

Santucciantoine @Santucciantoine

Sur Lie Rosso

Ça reste mon Classicofavorito. Pétillant et léger comme Ornella Vanonl

nicolayeah @nicolayeah

Rosso 2022

Excelente! On peut le boire à l’apéro ou avec des pâtes

txapi @txapi

Sur Lie Rosso 2018

9.8 / $27 / zero / SelectioNaturel / More excellence from Matteo Furlani. This also the lowest priced bottle I've come across by Furlani, and maybe my favorite. This is a dark red pet nat, but is super surprising. Even the more modern dry lambruscos have a heaviness, and ya sort of come to expect that with a dark red sparkler like this guy. This wine is shockingly light. I'd love to claim familiarity with all these grape varietals, but i don't know them. They are all red grapes, but this must not have a lot of skin contact. Definitely some slight grip with the tannins, but the dark red color sets you up for a more grippy experience. The flavor is really light too, but nuanced and just amazing - a little bitterness and a little minerality, and as dumb as this sounds tastes like every fruit type out there. A little fall stone fruit, berries, citrus, sour cherry. I wonder if i was blindfolded, I'd even guess this was a red. I very highly doubt it. Im gonna try that trick with my friends and see what happens. Will report back. Supercool. Ok, well i forgot the blindfolds, but I did find a magnum of this in Portland that i bought to celebrate a possible KC Chiefs Superbowl victory. That happened and we immediately cracked this sucker open. Glorious!!!

rderington @rderington


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