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Gaia Felix

Michele Lorenzetti

2 3 9703 KM

Publius - 2018

Gaia Felix - Michele Lorenzetti

Asprinio - Campania - Campania

Total: 10 1 0
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Postés par les utilisateurs :

A crisp, bright orange sparkling natural wine. A bit funky, with undertones of stone fruit and melon (specifically peach and cantaloupe come to mind). Refreshing.

3 utilisateurs ont posté "Publius"

Dernières publications de Publius, par les utilisateurs :

Publius 2018

A crisp, bright orange sparkling natural wine. A bit funky, with undertones of stone fruit and melon (specifically peach and cantaloupe come to mind). Refreshing.

arielleheyman @arielleheyman