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Celler 9+

Moises Virgili i Rovira

24 42 8439 KM

1r Escumosos

Celler 9+ - Moises Virgili i Rovira

100% Cartoixà - Cataluña - Baix Gaià

1r Escumosos
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À propos

An intense and expressive organic single-variety sparkling wine made with our beloved Cartoixà grape. An intense and expressive sparkling wine. Fine bubbles perfectly integrated in a fine and constant rosary. Invigorating on a warm summer day and the perfect pairing with your favorite paella, white meats or salads.


Au chai

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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Great bubles! Easy driking. Easy to drink to much of this!

1 utilisateurs ont posté "1r Escumosos"

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Dernières publications de 1r Escumosos, par les utilisateurs :

1r Escumosos 2021

Great bubles! Easy driking. Easy to drink to much of this!

mandrup @mandrup