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Hitomi Winery

Naoki Yamada

12 21 21936 KM

Dela Orange -

Hitomi Winery - Naoki Yamada

Delaware - Shiga - Shiga

Dela Orange
Total: 5 2 0
À propos

Very fruity, pure lychee juice, cotton candy from Japan.


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Au chai

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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Very fruity, pure lychee juice, cotton candy from Japan.

Japanese vin nature and it's an orange wine. Japanese Delaware 100% and brewed by enamel tank for 2 wks. 2000 bottles.

3 utilisateurs ont posté "Dela Orange"

Dernières publications de Dela Orange, par les utilisateurs :

Dela Orange 2016

Japanese vin nature and it's an orange wine. Japanese Delaware 100% and brewed by enamel tank for 2 wks. 2000 bottles.

fukayaqui @fukayaqui