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Tatsis Winery

Perikles & Stergios Tatsis

13 26 10548 KM

Negoska Rose -

Tatsis Winery - Perikles & Stergios Tatsis

Negoska - Greece - Macedonia

Negoska Rose
Total: 7 6 0
À propos

Variety Composition: Negrosa 100% Winemaking: Unpasteurisation, stay with the marc, 12-18 hours extraction. Controlled temperature in alcoholic fermentation with native yeasts. Stay with lees for a month or so, stabilize. Characteristics: Roses shades. Aromatically refers to flowers that are combined with citrus flowers. It is tastefully balanced with acidity that causes the taster throughout his organoleptic examination.


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Winemaking: Unpasteurisation, stay with the marc, 12-18 hours extraction. Controlled temperature in alcoholic fermentation with native yeasts. Stay with lees for a month or so, stabilize. Characteristics: Roses shades. Aromatically refers to flowers that are combined with citrus flowers. It is tastefully balanced with acidity that causes the taster throughout his organoleptic examination.

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"Negoska Rose" publié par les établissements.

Dernières publications de Negoska Rose, par les utilisateurs :

Negkoska 2017

Winemaking: Unpasteurisation, stay with the marc, 12-18 hours extraction. Controlled temperature in alcoholic fermentation with native yeasts. Stay with lees for a month or so, stabilize. Characteristics: Roses shades. Aromatically refers to flowers that are combined with citrus flowers. It is tastefully balanced with acidity that causes the taster throughout his organoleptic examination.

nicholaskyriakidis @nicholaskyriakidis