Vinařství Jaroslav Osička - Rober Osička logo

Vinařství Jaroslav Osička

Rober Osička

8 8 10030 KM

Milerka -

Vinařství Jaroslav Osička - Rober Osička

Muller Thurgau , Neuburger - South Moravia

Total: 1 1 0
À propos

Vineyard from 1994 (240m altitude) Maturing 9months in 500L oak barells (age of barells 30-40year). Intense fruity nose , lychee , tropical fruits , quince , stone fruits Medium body , no tannins, no acidity, lot of alcohol


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Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Dry. Spontaneously fermented, aged 7 months in oak and acacia barrels. Unfined, unfiltered.

Vineyard from 1994 (240m altitude) Maturing 9months in 500L oak barells (age of barells 30-40year). Intense fruity nose , lychee , tropical fruits , quince , stone fruits Medium body , no tannins, no acidity, lot of alcohol

4 utilisateurs ont posté "Milerka"

Dernières publications de Milerka, par les utilisateurs :

Milerka 2018

Dry. Spontaneously fermented, aged 7 months in oak and acacia barrels. Unfined, unfiltered.

nrocco @nrocco