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Stefano Menti

6 9 9540 KM

Confondo -

Bakari - Stefano Menti

Cortese - Veneto - Veneto

Total: 1 2 0
À propos

Bright lemon, hints of tropical notes. Vibrant, lively, and very tasty!


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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Bright lemon, hints of tropical notes. Vibrant, lively, and very tasty!

Great acid, some melon/stone fruit action. Very good.

3 utilisateurs ont posté "Confondo"

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Confondo - Bakari - Stefano Menti

Dernières publications de Confondo, par les utilisateurs :

Confondo 2015

Great acid, some melon/stone fruit action. Very good.

ejoseph212 @ejoseph212