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Bainbridge & Cathcart

Toby & Julie Bainbridge

15 40 8288 KM

Cuvee 50:50 -

Bainbridge & Cathcart - Toby & Julie Bainbridge

Cabernet Franc, Grolleau - Vallée de la Loire - Vin De France

Cuvee 50:50
Total: 9 5 0
À propos

Very fresh. Served a little chilled.

"Cuvee 50:50" publié par les établissements.

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Dernières publications de Cuvee 50:50, par les utilisateurs :

Cuvee 50:50

Had to pick my buddy Ryan up off the floor. At first smell, aromas of funk and nail polish give a high so enticing one is lucky to spend the next 20 minutes riding in an ambulance to the nearest emergency room. I recommend this on an empty stomach and a rooftop with a rather awful view. In other words this is one of my favorites of all time. I will continue to buy this.

frekyfrijoles @frekyfrijoles

Cuvee 50:50

like lemonade 😛

helloalexbos @helloalexbos

Cuvee 50:50

Huge grapes on the nose. Blackberries and leaves on the palate. Tastefully chalky. Lip smacking. Great fall wine. Serve slightly chilled.

keeknat @keeknat

Cuvee 50:50

Woaaaa .... magnifique ! Sauvage, floral, vivant.... c est du raisin ... du vrai vin ! Y a pas mieux !

buddhamountain @buddhamountain