Aristotelis Ke Anthoula - Akea Wine - Tony Zafirakos & Mads Park-Neilson logo

Aristotelis Ke Anthoula - Akea Wine

Tony Zafirakos & Mads Park-Neilson

12 13 24523 KM

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An absolute favourite. Best funky and salty. let's not talk about "funky" ya'll. this is salty. this is natty. it's nectarine, guava but pineapple. it's herbs. it's refreshing. balanced. fresh.



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An absolute favourite. Best funky and salty. let's not talk about "funky" ya'll. this is salty. this is natty. it's nectarine, guava but pineapple. it's herbs. it's refreshing. balanced. fresh.

1 utilisateurs ont posté "White-ish"