Aristotelis Ke Anthoula - Akea Wine - Tony Zafirakos & Mads Park-Neilson logo

Aristotelis Ke Anthoula - Akea Wine

Tony Zafirakos & Mads Park-Neilson

12 13 24523 KM

Sonnyboy Orange Wine - 2020

Aristotelis Ke Anthoula - Akea Wine - Tony Zafirakos & Mads Park-Neilson

Vermentino, Muscat of Alexandria - NSW - NSW

Sonnyboy Orange Wine
Total: 0 0 0
À propos

Peach juice oh yeah, that's good orange juice. kill that summer heat with this orange wine that's smelling like passionfruit white gummy bear fruit salad deluxe and tasting like all that plus hella salinity and savouriness. THAT'S ORANGE wine with a long finish of sunny delight you chugged as a kid after playing in the sun all day.



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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Peach juice oh yeah, that's good orange juice. kill that summer heat with this orange wine that's smelling like passionfruit white gummy bear fruit salad deluxe and tasting like all that plus hella salinity and savouriness. THAT'S ORANGE wine with a long finish of sunny delight you chugged as a kid after playing in the sun all day.

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