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Les Pervenches

Véronique Hupin & Michael Marler

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Seyval Chardo -

Les Pervenches - Véronique Hupin & Michael Marler

Seyval- Chardonnay - Quebec

Seyval Chardo


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Grass + Parsley + Lemon. Very faint oakiness, almost imperceptible. There was really nothing wrong with this wine that I could appreciate, but it wasn’t anything to write home about. I wouldn’t hesitate to bring this to a party or as a gift to someone who hasn’t tried natural wine before.

C’est superbe... excellent vin nature en biodynamie au Québec ... juste du plaisir en bouche

4 utilisateurs ont posté "Seyval Chardo"

Dernières publications de Seyval Chardo, par les utilisateurs :

Seyval Chardo 2017

C’est superbe... excellent vin nature en biodynamie au Québec ... juste du plaisir en bouche

echenet @echenet

Seyval-Chardo 2018

Grass + Parsley + Lemon. Very faint oakiness, almost imperceptible. There was really nothing wrong with this wine that I could appreciate, but it wasn’t anything to write home about. I wouldn’t hesitate to bring this to a party or as a gift to someone who hasn’t tried natural wine before.

keeknat @keeknat