Strekov 1075 - Zsolt Sütó logo

Strekov 1075

Zsolt Sütó

35 73 10173 KM

Little Fred #3 - 2013

Strekov 1075 - Zsolt Sütó

Alibernet, Dunaj - Slovakia

Little Fred #3
Total: 10 2 0
À propos

Very tasty! Dark red fruits, moss, leather, slightly tart. Damp basement & old books on the nose.


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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Perfect for a park, beach, picnic. Solo of course. Too small to share.

Fantastic color and palette.

Very tasty! Dark red fruits, moss, leather, slightly tart. Damp basement & old books on the nose.

5 utilisateurs ont posté "Little Fred #3"

Dernières publications de Little Fred #3, par les utilisateurs :

Little Fred #3

Fantastic color and palette.

gu_nyc @gu_nyc

Little Fred #3

Perfect for a park, beach, picnic. Solo of course. Too small to share.

NaturalDisaster @NaturalDisaster