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Locanda Rocco da Francesco

via del Torrione 1, 60020 Sirolo, Italie

13 0 7556 KM


La Vigne Du Clou

Alexandre Jouveaux - Alexandre Jouveaux

Chardonnay - Bourgogne - Vin de France

La Vigne Du Clou - Alexandre Jouveaux - Alexandre Jouveaux
9 1 0


Vins à Locanda Rocco da Francesco:
Cuvée L'Aisthésis
Alain Dejean
Cuvée L'Aisthésis - Rousset-Peyraguey - Alain Dejean


Massa Vecchia
Francesca Sfondrini & Fabrizio Niccolaini
Sangiovese - Massa Vecchia - Francesca Sfondrini & Fabrizio Niccolaini
Le Petit Rouge de la Cote Ouest
Marie et Vincent Tricot
Vincent et Marie Tricot
Le Petit Rouge de la Cote Ouest - Marie et Vincent Tricot - Vincent et Marie Tricot
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo
Az. Agr. Emidio Pepe
Daniela & Sofia Pepe
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo - Az. Agr. Emidio Pepe - Daniela & Sofia Pepe


Découvrez les vins à Locanda Rocco da Francesco
Postés par les utilisateurs :

Meadow with diesel smell, almost ripe pear with grapefruit

Un vin lumineux et énergétique ! Un très grand vin de méditation.

Winemaker Alexandre Jouveaux being a former fashion photographer (notably for Chanel) is itself a charming biography. If his wine were to describe Jouveaux’s personality, one could expect a very sharp, sensitive and deep flavor. Like all natural wine teaches you - forget what you know about how certain grapes taste like - this Chardonnay is also like no other conventional Chardonnay. Yet its elegance and vitality and fruitiness is beyond amazing. Would love to drink this scarce wine again soon!

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