The protagonist of this story is a young mechanical engineer, Marco Marrocco. He’s also the owner of the homonymous company of elevators in Lazio, and about eight years ago, he decided to embark on a new adventure and write a brand new chapter of wine history of his region. After his studies in agriculture at the University of Tuscia and a period of study in Bordeaux, he began his experience as a vine grower, with 2 and a half acres of land, the soul of his business. He named his company “Palazzo Tronconi” and his dream began to take shape: going back to the land, recovering old vines and producing biodynamic wines. This project involves the research center of Velletri that deals with vinification of unique typical vines of the region, now cultivated under biodynamic principles. Marco called to his side Gaetano Ciolfi, professor of enology at the University of Tuscia, and Carlo Noro, one of the leading European experts in biodynamic agriculture. It is happening in the ancient municipality of Arce, where Liri river valley begins. The town of Arce was cited in two letters of Cicero, one written to his brother Quintus, the other one to his friend Titus Pomponius Atticus. Cicero speaks of the territory "Arcanum" and Villa Arcana, located near the Latin colony of Fregellae, founded by the Romans in 328 BC. The grape varieties grown by Palazzo Tronconi are those typical of the little town of Arce: the Lecinaro red berry, the Capolongo, the Pampanaro and white Maturano. The company also grows black Maturano, still the subject of research at the university winemaking center, and the black Ulivello. The Fatìa (white) and the Mocevò (red) obtained from native grapes of the area, coming from 80-100 years old vines, but practically unknown to broader markets. Then there is Fregellae: it takes its name from an ancient Roman colony, found in the Arce territory. It is a blend of three white grape varieties: Capolongo, Pampanaro and Maturano. Zitore, made of Lecinaro grapes, is dedicated to Marco's grandfather, Salvatore, and Donnicò, made from Ulivello grapes, dedicated to the chief of bourbonic guards of Arce famous for having opposed the rise of Garibaldi.
Natural winemakers, here's the information we need to register you on Raisin.
Please provide the information about your estate including location, size, treatments used,
horses, tractors, harvests, etc. within 300-500 characters. This description will be added to your profile.
Please send us all certifications (organic, biodynamic, etc.). If your estate is not certified,
please explain why and describe your farming practices.
wine name
grape variety(ies) by year(s)
label photo (.pdf format - printer's proof)
volume of free and total sulfur
analysis of each vintage
Is your wine from Négociant activities?
a photo of you (the winemaker)
photos of the winery and cellar (between 6 and 12)