Bar Wine Shop
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Local 1

Av. Álvaro Obregón 228, 06700 Mexico City, Mexico

24 6 2753 KM


Pet Mex

Bichi Wines - Noel Tellez

Dolcetto - B.C.

Pet Mex - Bichi Wines - Noel Tellez
Local 1 logo Local 1 - 19 Nov. 2021
36 13 0

Bar Caviste

2753 KM

Local 1

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Posted by users:

Absolutely unbelievable. It tastes like every tropical fruit in can think of just perfectly balanced into a absolutely beautiful and highly chuggable wine. One of my favorites that I’ve had in a while!

Ça pète à la gueule !

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Pet Mex - Bichi Wines - Noel Tellez