March 19, 2024 - 0 comments
Let's talk about wine faults!
The topic is vast, sparking intense debate. Certain aspects find unanimous agreement, while others remain subjective, detectable only by specific palates. In some instances, your sommelier might attempt to present certain faults as normal.
Wine faults, in essence, encompass undesirable characteristics or flaws in a wine's aroma, taste, or appearance, potentially compromising its overall quality. These faults may manifest at various stages of the winemaking process, spanning grape cultivation, fermentation, aging, and bottling. While some faults may be deemed minor and bearable by certain individuals, others are universally acknowledged as serious flaws that significantly diminish the wine-drinking experience. Interestingly, some wine faults can even enhance the wine's taste, and we'll also explore those nuances.
In the coming weeks, we aim to unravel the complexities of some of the most significant wine faults, ranging from Brettanomyces to Cork Taint, Volatile Acidity, Mouse, Oxydation and everything in between. Stay tuned for an insightful exploration of these intricacies!
The Raisin Guide to Wine Faults is here!