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Sons of Wine

Farid Yahimi

31 71 9066 KM

Skin Contact -

Sons of Wine - Farid Yahimi

Pinot Gris - Alsace-Lorraine - Vin De France

Skin Contact
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Pubblicato dagli utenti:

topisime ! vin orange de pinot gris super rond ample doucereux. une douceur au tanin sur l epices suave : a siroter en toute occasion .

21 users have posted "Skin Contact"

"Skin Contact" vini pubblicati dai locali:

Skin Contact ultimi post degli utenti:

Skin Contact 2019

We had three veggie pizzas after a spa night. Rekindling the warmth of a friendship that’s been through a few growth stages. This wine is so damn good FUNKY like the grass hay barnyard and a little fizzy gets better and better the longer it’s open xoxxox

RileySims @RileySims

Skin Contact 2018

C’est orange, c’est bon, c’est bon pour le moral

poiscaille @poiscaille

Skin Contact

France / Alsace

NatuRIO @NatuRIO

Skin Contact 2019

Awesome orange pinot gris! Floral notes, peaches. Very easy and smooth! So good!

olme @olme

Skin Contact

topisime ! vin orange de pinot gris super rond ample doucereux. une douceur au tanin sur l epices suave : a siroter en toute occasion .

jules11100 @jules11100