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Andrej Kristancic

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Jakot -

Nando - Andrej Kristancic

Tocai - Nova Gorica - Nova Gorica

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Posted by users:

Floral apricot High brow

So good, awesome touch I can say a big Bravo to Andrey Kristancic for this Zeleni Sauvignon.

5 users have posted "Jakot"

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Jakot - Nando - Andrej Kristancic

Jakot latest posts, by users:

Jakot 2012

So good, awesome touch I can say a big Bravo to Andrey Kristancic for this Zeleni Sauvignon.

CristianDiCa @CristianDiCa

Jakot 2020

Floral apricot High brow

beathe @beathe