Azienda Agricola Daniele Portinari - Daniele Portinari logo

Azienda Agricola Daniele Portinari

Daniele Portinari

7 13 9460 KM

Nanni -

Azienda Agricola Daniele Portinari - Daniele Portinari

Merlot , Cabernet Sauvignon - Veneto - IGT Veneto

Total: 18 5 0

glou glou comme il faut "Il brigante"


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Posted by users:

Really good! Notes of cherries and vanilla. A bit pepper in the nose. Smooth in the mouth but with some tannins. Easy but still some complexity. I like this one!

Non molto esaltante questo vino, al contrario delle altre sue etichette che ho bevuto.

9 users have posted "Nanni"
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Nanni latest posts, by users:

Nanni 2014

Une trouvaille du Noun! Très nature. Tout ce qu'on aime.

repier @repier

Nanni 2016

Non molto esaltante questo vino, al contrario delle altre sue etichette che ho bevuto.

Juri_spara @Juri_spara

Nanni 2019

Really good! Notes of cherries and vanilla. A bit pepper in the nose. Smooth in the mouth but with some tannins. Easy but still some complexity. I like this one!

olme @olme

Nanni 2016

Booooon et très agréable

Lilite @Lilite