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Sistema Vinari

Eloi Cedó Perelló

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Chalet -

Sistema Vinari - Eloi Cedó Perelló

Manto Negro - Islas Baleares - Viño de España

Total: 15 10 0

Juicy. Clean. Heavy on minerals, was a little pearly.


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Posted by users:

Super Mediterranean red wine. The noise is pure Mallorca countryside. Fresh and herbal.

Mineral, slight pleasant natural fermentation taste, frizzant, light, liquorice From Mallorca, Baleric Islands, Spain

6 users have posted "Chalet"
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Chalet latest posts, by users:


Mineral, slight pleasant natural fermentation taste, frizzant, light, liquorice From Mallorca, Baleric Islands, Spain

iwb @iwb

Chalet 2017

Que du bonheur

franfidf @franfidf

Chalet 2015

Super Mediterranean red wine. The noise is pure Mallorca countryside. Fresh and herbal.

xume @xume