7 17 9503 KM
In 2016, after years in the world of IT and some experience at a friend's farm, Fabio purchased his own farm, in the very first hills of the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines, precisely in Rio Cozzi: the "Uncle Spok" farm, as his friends call it, with its four hectares of vineyards plus eight of forest, is located at a height that varies from 100 to 200 meters above sea level, in a site of community interest that borders with the cliff of “Sasso Spungone”, a rocky sediment more than 3 million years old, a place of breathtaking beauty.
In recent years Fabio has tried to encourage biodiversity as much as possible, planting trees from ancient and native seeds, hemp, aromatic herbs and other melliferous plants. The result of this choice can be appreciated at a glance, with a great variety of flowers, butterflies, beetles, wild bees and insectivorous birds.
On the farm there are plants aged from 25 to 30 years pruned with the “Simonit&Sirch” method. Green manure is practiced with field beans, barley, horseradish, phacelia, sainfoin, sulla, clover, protein pea and alfalfa. In addition to the farm, Fabio is recovering old vineyards located in Romagna, divided into small parcels, renting them and making wine with the help of other winemaker friends, experimenting with native and forgotten vines.
No orange wines at the moment.