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Azienda Agricola Giovanni Canonica

Giovanni Canonica

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Langhe Nebbiolo -

Azienda Agricola Giovanni Canonica - Giovanni Canonica

- Piemonte - DOC Langhe Nebbiolo

Langhe Nebbiolo
Total: 10 1 0

Oh so young, oh so good.


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Posted by users:

This somehow lasted three days. Delicious in day one. Needed time in the glass on days two and three but continued to sing.

4 users have posted "Langhe Nebbiolo"

Langhe Nebbiolo latest posts, by users:

Langhe Nebbiolo 2016

This somehow lasted three days. Delicious in day one. Needed time in the glass on days two and three but continued to sing.

davidmcduff @davidmcduff

Langhe Nebbiolo 2019


matt88xx @matt88xx