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Daterra Viticultores

Laura Lorenzo Dominguez

10 25 7581 KM

Azos Da Paraxe -

Daterra Viticultores - Laura Lorenzo Dominguez

Mencía - Galicia

Azos Da Paraxe
Total: 4 3 0

A first vintage of this 100% Mencía from Laura, sourced from some dude named Rodrigo in Val do Bibei. Very fresh and somewhat crunchy (croquant), but with a lushness that I don’t typically get from Loire reds.


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herbaceous, lively, lots going on

A first vintage of this 100% Mencía from Laura, sourced from some dude named Rodrigo in Val do Bibei. Very fresh and somewhat crunchy (croquant), but with a lushness that I don’t typically get from Loire reds.

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