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Orly Lumbreras Viñador

Orly Lumbreras

12 29 7824 KM

Chass! -

Orly Lumbreras Viñador - Orly Lumbreras

Chasselas - Castilla y León - Sierra De Gredos



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Posted by users:

Unfiltered, amber colored dry wine, feeling notes of raisins. To my taste it’s fantastic 🙂

Dry on the tongue, light but tasty.

4 users have posted "Chass!"

Chass! latest posts, by users:

Chass! 18

Dry on the tongue, light but tasty.

chloeorgaer @chloeorgaer

Chass! 21

Unfiltered, amber colored dry wine, feeling notes of raisins. To my taste it’s fantastic 🙂

AHantos82 @AHantos82