51 79 9444 KM
Karoline and Patrick Uccelli produce organic wines in Dornach, a biodynamic farm of approx. 6 hectares with vineyard, chestnut grove and woods at an altitude of 360m.
Karoline is a biologist and responsible for everything related to biodiversity within the estate: vegetable garden, chickens, sheep, goats, bees etc...
Patrick takes care of the soil, working in the vineyard almost entirely by hand. Since 2013 he has planted resistant vines (PIWI) every year which allow him to reduce phytosanitary treatments in the vineyard with copper and sulphur.
In the cellar the fermentations are spontaneous and sulfur dioxide is the only additive used, in minimal quantities.
To underline the uniqueness of the wines, starting from 2019, each one is identified with a number, which is never repeated. Once drunk, it is finished and will never be there again, because it is produced in a natural and artisanal way. Starting from 2023, the names of Karoline and Patrick's 3 children have been added to the numbers, to highlight 3 categories: