Wine Shop
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Calle del Puig del Ravell 6, 08760 Martorell, Spain

5 1 6862 KM



Orto Vins - Joan Asens

90 % Carinyena 10% Garnatxa - CT

Univers - Orto Vins - Joan Asens
Naturaa logo Naturaa - 18 Sep. 2021
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Wine made from Joan Asens (Ex winemaker Alvaro Palacios, and currently Winemaker of Orto Vins, with colaboration Export Moonwine Company. Fermentation in barrels of 500l. Maceration of 28 days and subsequent pressing. Aged in 3rd or 4rd years old in 225 liters barrels. Where malolactic fermentation also produces and where the wine remains 12 months

6862 KM


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