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Le Coste

Clémentine Bouveron & Gianmarco Antonuzi

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Pizzicante Bianco -

Le Coste - Clémentine Bouveron & Gianmarco Antonuzi

Moscato, Procanico - Lazio - Vino bianco frizzante

Pizzicante Bianco
Total: 5 6 0
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Italy / Lazio


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At first fruity flavors with a sharper slightly acidic aftertaste. After a little bit of time the fruity taste disappeared, and there is more acid and also a quite sharp bitter/vinegar taste. Probably the bottle has just gone bad. It happens.

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Pizzicante Bianco

At first fruity flavors with a sharper slightly acidic aftertaste. After a little bit of time the fruity taste disappeared, and there is more acid and also a quite sharp bitter/vinegar taste. Probably the bottle has just gone bad. It happens.

talk2nat @talk2nat