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Zou Maï

John Almansa

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Zou Maï Blanc - 2015

Zou Maï - John Almansa

Muscat, Chasselas, Picpoul - Languedoc - Vin de France

Zou Maï Blanc
Total: 7 3 0
À propos

Perfect glouglou wine! Lovely balance, fresh & floral. Should be bottled in Magnums :)


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🍇🍓🍓🍇🍂🍂🚨🚨 Fruit, cloudy, light, warm weather, dirt, lil spicy, v good

Perfect glouglou wine! Lovely balance, fresh & floral. Should be bottled in Magnums :)

2 utilisateurs ont posté "Zou Maï Blanc"

Dernières publications de Zou Maï Blanc, par les utilisateurs :

Zou Maï Blanc 2018

🍇🍓🍓🍇🍂🍂🚨🚨 Fruit, cloudy, light, warm weather, dirt, lil spicy, v good

lightlysalted @lightlysalted