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Bainbridge & Cathcart

Toby & Julie Bainbridge

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Cuvée Les Jongleurs -

Bainbridge & Cathcart - Toby & Julie Bainbridge

Chenin Blanc, Grolleau - Vallée de la Loire - Vin De France

Cuvée Les Jongleurs
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Sweet tarts, but the good kind


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10 utilisateurs ont posté "Cuvée Les Jongleurs"

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Dernières publications de Cuvée Les Jongleurs, par les utilisateurs :

Cuvée Les Jongleurs 2016

Nicely balanced orange wine

pierrotjo @pierrotjo

Cuvée Les Jongleurs 2018

Interesting wine. I was expecting a sparkling wine, because it has a bottle cap in stead of a cork, but it's not - although it is a bit fizzy. A bit closed at first, took a while to open up, but when it did it became very generous very quickly. Quince, plum, pear, lovely nose. 10 days of skin maceration gave this chenin blanc ample opportunity to transfer all of its goodness to the juice. Nice structure, lovely acidity, great depth. The longer it sits in my glass the better it gets. I wonder what will happen to it when I keep it for a day or two but it's too late: we've already finished it :-) Thanks Julie and Toby, well done!

niels @niels