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Croci Tenuta Vinicola

Massimiliano Croci

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Lubigo -

Croci Tenuta Vinicola - Massimiliano Croci

Ortrugo - Emilia-romagna - Vino bianco frizzante



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29 users have posted "Lubigo"

Lubigo latest posts, by users:


Ortrugo is a traditional and quite rare grape variety from colli piacentini area, a sur lie sparkling version is even harder To find. More of an Orange sparkling wine than a White Wine. Controlled oxidation and intense mature peach For a quite lingering and sapid taste

marcored81 @marcored81

Lubigo 2016


veneredibacco @veneredibacco

Lubigo 2016

Divertente.Saporito.Ci vorrebbero 2 fette di salame ma con polpo e lenticchie ci sta. Pepenero Elba

antonio66 @antonio66

Lubigo 2012

Rustic! I like so much...

giltonleite @giltonleite

Lubigo 2017

Citrus and apple meets bubbles.

ronthomas @ronthomas


Fresh and fizzy, fruit forward. Fantastic, funky, and fun!

abenitez @abenitez

Lubigo 2018

Un vino fatto come una volta, con metodi artigianali, vinificato sulle bucce, non filtrato e rifermento in bottiglia. Ricco, intenso con evoluzioni sorprendenti nel bicchiere. รˆ un vino fresco e secco, adatto ad ogni occasione!

anna_b21 @anna_b21


Really nice. A little tart, a little minerality, drinks like a great cider. Really nice chilled. Delicious with something grilled.

ejoseph212 @ejoseph212

Lubigo 2019

Playful and juicy lsparkling wine to start your evening in a relaxed way

nimpfed @nimpfed


Italy / Emilia-Romagna

NatuRIO @NatuRIO

Lubigo 2020

Tropical fruits, apricots, banana candy. Easy with some acidity. Easy drinking! Nice one ๐Ÿ‘

olme @olme


Tannico, macerato, minerale, ottimo per aperitivo

naturallymia @naturallymia

Lubigo 2016

Sauvage ! Un vin orange refermentรฉ aux allures de cidre!

JohannGlaes @JohannGlaes