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Weingut Claus Preisinger

Claus Preisinger

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Weingut Claus Preisinger - Claus Preisinger

Blaufrankisch - Burgenland

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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Let me tell you about this juiceeee. I know, theres a glass on the picture… tried it both ways, 9/10 out of the glass! 10/10 out of the bottle. Claus is a Master in making wine, I‘m the master of drinking it (out of the bottle)

Amazing. Lovely taste. Enjoyed it too fast to take a picture with filling.

16 utilisateurs ont posté "Dope"

"Dope" publié par les établissements.

Dernières publications de Dope, par les utilisateurs :

Dope 2018

friday, great bubbles. saturday, great rose. dope! loving it.

aandrej00 @aandrej00

Dope 2019

Annoncé comme un pétillant rosé, c'est au final surtout un rosé. Mais un très bon rosé d'apéritif tout de même !

captain_pedro @captain_pedro

Dope 2020

Amazing. Lovely taste. Enjoyed it too fast to take a picture with filling.

roitsch @roitsch

Dope 22

Let me tell you about this juiceeee. I know, theres a glass on the picture… tried it both ways, 9/10 out of the glass! 10/10 out of the bottle. Claus is a Master in making wine, I‘m the master of drinking it (out of the bottle)

conventionaljoel @conventionaljoel

Dope 2019

Very lightly sparkling - like a tickle on the tongue. Clean, citrusy, mixed berries - difficult to name a particular one. Dry, light but still complex. I enjoy it a lot but think I’d like to change the wine after a few glasses. My brother describes it as elegant.

kasparjoseph @kasparjoseph