Caviste Restaurant
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19 Rue Commines, 75003 Paris, France

8 2 6508 KM



Cantina Furlani - Matteo Furlani

Tyroldego, Marzemino, Turca, Negrara - Trentino-Alto Adige - Vino Spumante

Rosso - Cantina Furlani - Matteo Furlani
tappo logo tappo - 24 Fév. 2023
34 19 0

Restaurant Caviste

6508 KM


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Découvrez les vins à tappo
Postés par les utilisateurs :

9.8 / $27 / zero / SelectioNaturel / More excellence from Matteo Furlani. This also the lowest priced bottle I've come across by Furlani, and maybe my favorite. This is a dark red pet nat, but is super surprising. Even the more modern dry lambruscos have a heaviness, and ya sort of come to expect that with a dark red sparkler like this guy. This wine is shockingly light. I'd love to claim familiarity with all these grape varietals, but i don't know them. They are all red grapes, but this must not have a lot of skin contact. Definitely some slight grip with the tannins, but the dark red color sets you up for a more grippy experience. The flavor is really light too, but nuanced and just amazing - a little bitterness and a little minerality, and as dumb as this sounds tastes like every fruit type out there. A little fall stone fruit, berries, citrus, sour cherry. I wonder if i was blindfolded, I'd even guess this was a red. I very highly doubt it. Im gonna try that trick with my friends and see what happens. Will report back. Supercool. Ok, well i forgot the blindfolds, but I did find a magnum of this in Portland that i bought to celebrate a possible KC Chiefs Superbowl victory. That happened and we immediately cracked this sucker open. Glorious!!!

Ça reste mon Classicofavorito. Pétillant et léger comme Ornella Vanonl

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Rosso - Cantina Furlani - Matteo Furlani